MOJO Maker VIP Coaching

where it's ALL about YOU!

This is the PERFECT PACKAGE for diverse women who want rapid results and a customized experience

VIP stands for Vital Interest Planning as well as Very Important Person

They go together: Vital Interests make a life and death difference AND when you start making your vital interests your priority – you start treating yourself as the very important person you are.

VIP Coaching is short–term high intensity coaching focused on getting you the results you need in 2-3 months instead of working on things gradually over a year.

Most coaching relationships are a “slow roll to somewhere” with appointments set up for 30 minutes a week as a coach offers you accountability and assignments.  

Over the course of a long term coaching relationship it is quite possible to lose track of why you signed up in the first place.

Not so with VIP Coaching.

VIP Coaching is 100% designed around the goals you have right now with a guarantee of results.

It is a total of 16 hours of focused coaching, tailored to your present circumstance and desired outcome.  

We will co-create your coaching plan as well as your success criteria and outline a roadmap based on the MOJO Maker Three Pillars:  

  • Know Yourself and Show Up
  • Clarity on exactly what you want and how to get there
  • Your “MOJO Maker Tool Set” – the specific tools that will help you with making and sustaining shift


This is a customizable experience (no cookie cutters here!)

Design your VIP coaching experience EXACTLY the way that works best for you, and your schedule. 

Do you want to do a two day intensive (14 hours) with two one hour follow ups? Would you rather start with a two hour kickoff and then 14 one hour sessions once or twice a week?  

We tailor VIP Days to your schedule from the outset.

And because you are a VIP to us, and we know that sometimes work can get off-the-rails, you have phone-a-friend support.  

If you want to use your time for those in-the-moment 911 calls to your coach, that’s fine too.  

You will have your VIP calendaring system and VOXER connection for connecting in the way that works for you.

Here is what a typical VIP Experience looks like...

An intake call and Q&A (complimentary)

Taking our six human needs assessment

At least one two hour working session in the first two weeks

A total of 16 hours of coaching time

911 speed coaching calls in-the-moment

Follow-up check-ins to make sure you're on track

Transparent Pricing

For clients who want multiple VIP packages there is INCENTIVE PRICING for claiming your spot early:

  • One VIP package: $5000
  • Two VIP packages: $9750
  • Three VIP packages: $14,250
  • ​Four VIP packages: $18,250 plus lifetime access to all MOJO Maker online courses and incentive pricing on future MOJO Maker Founders Mastermind.

Tailor the package that is right for YOU and your success! 

You are not a generic person and this is not a one-size-fits-all coaching package.

I’m so honored to have the opportunity to share this with you, and excited for the results we will achieve together.  

MOJO Maker for Women in Tech is not affiliated with the company Mojo Maker Health + Wellness.

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Women in tech have been fighting a losing battle...until now.

Enter MOJO Maker: The Best Field-Tested Strategy for Filling Your Diverse Talent Pool With Qualified Leadership Candidates

Our program was developed by successful leaders in two of the most male-dominated environments in the world: the Department of Defense, and High Tech.

This is the community we were starving to have even 10 years ago.